Indie soul singer, songwriter, and keyboardist from Queens, and a founding member of Broadway's Freestyle Love Supreme, recipient of the Special Tony Award 2020. I write indie soul songs, and delight in spontaneous melody and open space.

Singer, songwriter, and keyboardist from Queens. I write indie soul songs and delight in spontaneous melody and open space.

Set Sail

So, tonight's my featured episode of Freestyle Love Supreme. Mingled in with the rapping and the songs and the silliness is a little story about me and Queens. Also nestled in there somewhere is a little section of one of my songs. I'm hoping some people will show up here after the episode tonight, so it seems like the perfect time to post this…

Easy Road

So I know it's been all TV-this and Freestyle Love Supreme-that recently, but that's not the only thing I'm doing these days. I dropped by Studio 42 recently to record some of my tunes for the new This Is Not The Radio compilation…

Arthur and the Geniuses Videos

As I'm sure you know, I've got a big gig coming up with the Geniuses at Mercury Lounge on January 28th. (Tickets on sale now!) But if you've never been to see us, and you've only heard my solo EP, you probably don't know just how soulful this band is. So, here. I will show you…

MUTO: A Wall-Painted Animation

Why is this piece so amazing? It's not just the "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" style intersection of imagination and reality. Don't get me wrong; that combination gets me every time. It's what fascinates me so much about computing – the way that such abstract patterns become part of what we call real life, without any kind of physical grounding…

I'm also a developer

I specialize in building tools for musicians. For the past couple years, I've been helping out at Soundfly, a new kind of music school for today's musician.