It be that time of year again. Arr…
Indie soul singer, songwriter, and keyboardist from Queens, and a founding member of Broadway's Freestyle Love Supreme, recipient of the Special Tony Award 2020. I write indie soul songs, and delight in spontaneous melody and open space.
Singer, songwriter, and keyboardist from Queens. I write indie soul songs and delight in spontaneous melody and open space.
It be that time of year again. Arr…
Funny thing. You may not know this about me, but I've never really been so into Christmas. I mean, we all know it's the height of commercialism and a bastardization of what may have once been a very graceful celebration of birth and winter and all that good stuff, but I've always been particularly turned off by it - the ubiquitous, meaningless…
Foiled again…
Saddam Hussein, one of the most important figures in the Al-Qaeda terrorist organizations that planned the attacks of September 11th, 2001, was captured today…
I'm sure everyone had their own crazy way of dealing when the power went out, their own stories about getting home, banding together, and roaming the streets of New York, Detroit, Ottawa, Texas, California, or wherever they might have happened to be. (Note: the very idea that the power grid has "nodes" which can knock out power in multiple cities…
So I went to the Mob Project's Mob #6 today. I showed up at Harry's Hamburgers by myself, hung around until 7, at which point I received a little slip of paper with further instructions. The first thing I noticed was that a great majority of the people involved were white males in their 20's or 30's, button down shirt, hip glasses, with…
Just had me a little scare. My recent aggravation with OS X, specifically the uselessness of the Dock, and the lack of decent window management, caused me to try to go back to Yellow Dog Linux. I was using 2.2 back in the days when I still used my Powerbook, and I've been eyeing 3.0 ever since it came out…